Retaining Wall at Harlem River Houses

Solutions for Limited Access Conditions

The Harlem River Houses, a complex of 4-story apartment buildings, are located along Harlem River Drive in Upper Manhattan. A 10-foot-high, 300-foot-long retaining wall is located directly behind the buildings, separating the property from a New York City Park. The wall exhibited progressive movement resulting in noticeable tilting of the wall. GEODesign was retained to perform a subsurface investigation, provide a geotechnical report, and provide a final wall stabilization design.

Retaining Wall at Harlem River Houses

GEODesign developed and executed a subsurface investigation program consisting of test borings and test pits. Access to the boring and test pit locations was limited due to the proximity of the wall to the buildings on the high side of the wall, and NYC Parks property on the low side. The limited access and proximity to buildings behind the wall limited the potential repairs that could be performed.

The Solutions Unearthed

Client: L&M Development Partners

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