“Uptown Girl”

(Singer/Songwriter: Billy Joel)


Inwood Development

410 West 207th Street

This 14 story building, located within the Inwood neighborhood and encompassing the majority of the block between West 206th and 207th streets, provides much-needed affordable housing to the community. The site presented many geotechnical challenges including soft soils, varying bedrock depths, adjacent buildings along the lot line, and proximity to two subway lines. GEODesign designed cost effective CFA and caisson pile systems, designed a complex SOE system consisting of cantilevered and tieback soldier piles, obtained approval from the MTA, and provided construction phase services.

Inwood Development

This project presented significant challenges due to the highly varied subsurface conditions. In order to avoid excessive settlement of a shallow organic stratum and a 40 foot thick silt/clay layer, deep foundations bearing on bedrock were recommended. The rock depth also varied by as much as 50 feet across the site, which required the use of several SOE systems and different pile types.

The Solutions Unearthed

Client:  L&M Development Partners, Inc.

Copyright © 2025 GEODesign, Inc.

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