Geotechnical Engineering Requisition Staff Engineer – Greater Portland Office

As a GEOMechanics employee, you can expect to work on challenging projects that will include all facets of geotechnical engineering including foundation designs, subsurface explorations, rock engineering, slope stabilization, retaining wall design, support of excavation and underpinning, secant pile walls, tieback anchors, instrumentation, vibration monitoring, and value engineering.  We have been retained as a consultant for hundreds of public and private projects, including all types of buildings, highways, bridges, dams, levees, retaining walls, rock slopes, and bulkheads.  Some of our current projects include the following:

  • Underpinning of Oregon Department of Administrative Services Building, Salem, OR – A complete seismic retrofit the existing DAS building.  The retrofit required underpinning of the building using various techniques including permeation grouting, bracket micropiles, and micropile supported shoring towers for the interior columns,
  • The Grotto, Portland, OR Inspected the existing rock face by rappelling down the face at various locations to identify potential areas of instability at the historic site.
  • Bar BC Ranch 8, Teton County, WY – A large new custom residence on a 35-acre parcel within a mapped landslide zone.  Performed a subsurface investigation, slope stability analysis, and designed foundation and soil nail wall system to stabilize the site.
  • Rogue River Repairs, USFS Road 33, Siskiyou National Forest, OR – Inspected landslide repairs along USFS Road 33.  The repair included the installation of a tied back soldier pile and lagging wall. 

The responsibilities of this position include the following:

  • Special inspection of test borings, test pits, subgrade, drilled and driven piles, shoring systems, underpinning, soil nail walls, foundation subgrade, and various types of ground improvement.
  • Perform field and laboratory testing including dynamic pile testing (PDA), stormwater infiltration testing, hand augured borings, DCP testing, sieve analysis, Atterberg limits, expansion testing, consolidation testing.
  • Work with senior engineers to perform engineering calculations and prepare geotechnical reports and proposals.
  • Maintain a professional image and be respectful to everyone.
  • Remain flexible to serve as a cross-disciplinary resource to best serve GEOMechanics’ needs.

The requirements of this position include the following:

  • Minimum Bachelors Degree of Science in Civil Engineering.
  • Entry to two years of geotechnical or civil engineering experience.
  • Strong interpersonal skills and the ability to work well with others.
  • Excellent oral and written communication skills.
  • Strong working knowledge of Microsoft Word and Excel.
  • Knowledge of or interest in learning AutoCAD is preferred.
  • Possess reliable transportation to access project sites and have a valid driver’s license

An Affirmative Action/Equal Opportunity Employer

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