Changes are Coming to the NYC Building Code in 2022

GEODesign is ready for the changes!

The 2022 NYC Building Code (Code) will go into effect on Monday, November 7, 2022. Many changes and additions will be implemented in the new Code. GEODesign is preparing for the change and our complete geotechnical, SOE, underpinning, and temporary structure engineering design and construction inspection services will provide continuing rock-solid services to our clients. A summary of some of the foundation related changes to the code are outlined below:

Chapter 18 – Soils and Foundations

Permanent prestressed rock and soil anchors. This is a new section, which requires that certain design and installation requirements be included in the geotechnical report. GEODesign has been following the design requirements of this new section for many years.

Underpinning. Significant modifications were made to this existing section. Some of the key modifications that could affect design, schedule, and cost are as follows:

  • An evaluation report of the building to be underpinned will need to be prepared. This will require access to the adjacent building and must be submitted prior to obtaining Department of Buildings (DOB) plan approval. This report will also likely be necessary for alternate support methods, such as secant pile walls.
  • If rock will be excavated below the adjacent building foundation, it will be necessary to obtain site specific rock fracturing orientation data, which is obtained using geophysical borehole logging methods or, if rock is exposed, by visual assessment of the rock.

Geotechnical Peer Review. This is a new section which is required when a Structural Peer Review is required, the building is in Risk Category III/IV with Site Class F, where performance-based foundation design is utilized, or as required by the commissioner. GEODesign has a long history of providing peer review services for many challenging building projects throughout the United States.

Cone Penetration Testing (CPT). If CPTs are performed, the required number has been reduced.

Pile Load Testing. Pile Driving Analyzer (PDA) testing could possibly result in a reduced number of required static pile load tests.

Chapter 17 – Special Inspections and Tests

New sections were added for the special inspection requirements for “Prestressed rock and soil anchors”, “Helical pile foundations”, “Underpinning and alternate support methods” and “Protection of excavation sides” (i.e., SOE). GEODesign’s special inspections for these items, which we have been performing for many years, are consistent with the Code requirements.

A new section was added indicating that the demolition documents should identify monitoring requirements. Typically, monitoring currently starts at the foundation excavation phase; however, this new section will likely result in monitoring starting at the demolition phase.

Chapter 33 – Safeguards During Construction

NYCDEP Notification: Performing borings deeper than 100 feet in Brooklyn, Queens, Staten Island, and south of 135th Street in Manhattan and borings deeper than 50 feet in the Bronx or north of 135th Street in Manhattan will require NYCDEP notification 30 days prior to commencement.

Dewatering: This new section was added and requires submittal of a dewatering plan. GEODesign can prepare the dewatering plan, when necessary.

Support of Excavation Construction Documents: This new section provides more detailed information about what should be included on the SOE drawings. It also limits a maximum 1:1 soil slope to NYC Class 4c (medium stiff clay), 5b (medium dense silt and clayey silt), or better, soils and maximum 1.5:1 (H:V) soil slopes to NYC Class 2, 3, and 6 soil types and submerged soils.

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